- SB 11 (Birdwell, et al)
- Relating to the carrying of concealed handguns on the campuses of and certain other locations associated with institutions of higher education
- Full list of co-authors, as of 2/4/2015: Birdwell | Bettencourt | Burton | Campbell | Creighton | Eltife | Estes | Fraser | Hall | Hancock | Huffines | Kolkhorst | Nelson | Nichols | Perry | Schwertner | Seliger | Taylor, Larry | Taylor, Van
- Texas GOP: Guns on campus bill has votes to pass Senate [Madison Welch, via FB]
- SB 179 (Perry)
- Relating to the handgun proficiency required to obtain or renew a concealed handgun license.
- SB 273 (Campbell, et al)
- Relating to certain offenses relating to carrying concealed handguns on property owned or leased by a governmental entity; providing a civil penalty.
- SB xxx (Donna Campbell)
- Jake: After municipalities post 30.06 or 51% incorrectly, they have 15 days to comply after a complaint is made. After that, they can be sued. This is about putting teeth into a law that munis have ignored (with impunity) for years. It wouldn't even be necessary if lawless, intransigent munis hadn't made it so.
- HB 106 (Flynn)
- Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry the handgun; providing penalties.
- HB 164 (White, James)
- Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry the handgun; providing penalties.
- HB 172 (Stickland)
- Relating to municipal regulation of electric stun guns, knives, and personal defense sprays
- HB 176 (Kleinschmidt)
- 10th AMDT
- Relating to protection of the right to keep and bear arms within the State of Texas.
- Texas Bill Would Make All Federal Gun Laws Invalid & Unenforceable (Sons of Liberty media... lol)
- FB post (Wade Wilkes)
- HB 195 (Stickland)
- Relating to the carrying of handguns; providing for the open carrying of handguns; removing the requirement that a person who may lawfully possess handguns obtain a Concealed Handgun License in order to carry a handgun lawfully in the state of Texas, and conforming changes
- HB 198 (Huberty)
- Relating to the carrying of concealed handguns by certain persons attending a school board meeting.
- HB 216 (White, James)
- Relating to the eligibility of a person for a license to carry a concealed handgun.
- HB 226 (Guillen)
- Relating to certain offenses relating to carrying concealed handguns on property owned or leased by a governmental entity; providing a civil penalty.
- HB 278 (Ashby)
- OPEN CARRY (attys)
- Relating to authorizing certain attorneys representing the state to openly carry a handgun.
- HB 284 (Springer)
- Relating to the handgun proficiency required to obtain or renew a concealed handgun license.
- HB 291 (Huberty)
- Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry the handgun; providing penalties.
- HB 308 (Springer)
- CHL (prohibited places)
- Relating to the places where a person may carry a handgun if the person is licensed to carry a concealed handgun
- "makes massive modifications to 46.035 and 46.15"--ac
- "HB 308 eliminates all of the 46.035 (b) and (c) sensitive places (bars, sporting events, jails, hospitals, amusement parks, churches, and government meetings) along with the post-amendment redundant defenses, pretty much leaving only (1) intentional failure to conceal, and (2) while intoxicated"--ac
- "And it further amends 46.15 in the subsection about "46.02 and 46.03 do not apply to" to remove the special status for judges, etc., but adding a catch-all provision for CHL holders."--ac
- HB 353 (King, Ken)
- Relating to the application of certain weapons laws to certain volunteer emergency services personnel licensed to carry a concealed handgun.
- HB 415 (Riddle, et al)
- Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry the handgun; providing penalties.
- HB 554 (Springer; identical to 571)
- CHL (airport DTP)
- Relating to a defense to prosecution for the offense of possessing or carrying a weapon in or into the secured area of an airport.
- "allows licensed CHL holders who forget to remove their weapon at airport security to immediately leave without constituting a violation of state law"--ac
- HB 571 (Pickett; identical to 554)
- CHL (airport DTP)
- Relating to a defense to prosecution for the offense of possessing or carrying a weapon in or into the secured area of an airport.
- "allows licensed CHL holders who forget to remove their weapon at airport security to immediately leave without constituting a violation of state law"--ac
- HB 573 (White, James)
- CHL (polling place DTP)
- Relating to a defense to prosecution for the offense of possessing or carrying a firearm on the premises of a polling place.
- HB 695 (Springer)
- CHL (add'l prohibited places, penalties)
- Relating to the carrying of a concealed handgun by the holder of a concealed handgun license on hospital or nursing home premises; authorizing a penalty.
- HB 805 (Keough)
- CHL (expands 30.06 definition of public places?)
- Relating to authorizing a license holder to carry a concealed handgun on certain premises.
- HB 890 (Klick)
- CHL (application fee for jailers)
- Relating to reducing certain fees for a license to carry a concealed handgun for county jailers.
- HB 910 (Phillips, et al; see also HB 922, 944)
- OPEN CARRY (amends TX Alcoholic Beverage Code)
- looks like it expands 51% signs to any type of carry, in anticipation of open carry
- Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry a holstered handgun; creating a criminal offense; providing penalties.
- HB 922 (Leach; see also HB 910, 944)
- OPEN CARRY (amends TX Alcoholic Beverage Code)
- looks like it expands 51% signs to any type of carry, in anticipation of open carry
- Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry the handgun; creating an offense; providing penalties.
- HB 937 (Fletcher, et al)
- Relating to the carrying of concealed handguns on the campuses of and certain other locations associated with institutions of higher education.
- HB 944 (Kacal; see also HB 910, 922)
- OPEN CARRY (amends TX Alcoholic Beverage Code)
- looks like it expands 51% signs to any type of carry, in anticipation of open carry
- Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry the handgun; providing penalties.
- HB 989 (Frullo) / bill text
- to fix the DTP law in Texas finally making NFA items LEGAL
- HB 1179 (Charlie Geren) / bill text
- NFA "Shall Certify"
- Relating to the duties of certain law enforcement officials under procedures regulating the making or transfer of firearms.
- To find more, do a subject search for:
- Weapons (I0887)
- SECOND AMENDMENT PRESERVATION ACT (P0596) (just for kleinschmidt)
- 5 Senate Bills, 8 House Bills
- SB 54 / Jane Nelson (SD-12), D/FW (R)
- Type=Punitive
- Relating to the drug testing of certain persons seeking benefits under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program.
- Sen. Nelson is a businesswoman and former teacher
- SB 339 / Kevin Eltife (SD-1), Tyler (R)
- Type=Decriminalization
- Relating to the medical use of low-THC cannabis
- HB 892 is companion bill
- Sen. Eltife is a businessman and the former mayor of Tyler; also a former member of the Tyler City Council
- "Jones also found that these Republicans saw passage of 90 percent of the bills for which they voted."
- SB 1417 / Rodney Ellis
- Type=Decriminalization
- Relating to a civil penalty for possession of certain small amounts of marihuana and an exception to prosecution for possession of associated drug paraphernalia.
- SB 1686 / Rodney Ellis
- Type=
- Relating to revocation of community supervision for use or possession of small amounts of marihuana.
- SB 1839 / Menéndez
- Type=Medical
- Relating to authorizing the possession, use, cultivation, distribution, transportation, and delivery of cannabis for medical purposes; authorizing fees.
- HB 325 Gene Wu / (HD-137), Houston (D); filed 11/18/2014)
- Type=Decriminalization
- Relating to the prosecution of and penalties for possession of 0.35 ounces or less of marihuana.
- Rep. Wu is a former Harris County prosecutor
- HB 414 / Harold Dutton (HD-142), Houston (D)
- Type=Decriminalization
- Relating to the penalties for possession of one ounce or less of marihuana or a synthetic cannabinoid.
- Note: Rep. Moody will have a better alternative to the Dutton bill, forthcoming
- HB 507 / Joe Moody (HD-78), El Paso (D)
- Type=Decriminalization
- Relating to a civil penalty for possession of certain small amounts of marihuana and an exception to prosecution for possession of associated drug paraphernalia.
- Texas lawmakers to consider lower marijuana possession penalties (KFOX14)
- “It is difficult to pass any bill in the Texas legislature,” said Moody. “There are 7,000 that are filed every session. Only a handful of those make it to the finish line.”
- “In fact, just sitting on the House floor for the first day, I had three or four Republican members snag me and just say 'hey, I’ve been getting a lot of emails about your bill.'” (Names. We want names. Lol)
- Per NORML:
- Representative Joe Moody (D-El Paso) has pre-filed legislation, House Bill 507, to decriminalize the adult possession of marijuana in Texas.
- House Bill 507 makes the possession of up to one ounce of marijuana a civil violation, punishable by a fine of no more than $100 — no arrest, no jail, and no criminal record. Under current state law, possession of two ounces or less is a criminal misdemeanor punishable by up to six months in jail and a maximum fine of $2,000. According to the ACLU, Texas arrests over 70,000 individuals annually for simple marijuana possession offenses at the cost of over 250 million dollars per year.
- HB 557 / Joe Farias (HD-118), San Antonio (D)
- Type=Industrial Hemp
- Relating to the growth or cultivation of industrial hemp for certain research purposes.
- HB 837 / Elliott Naishtat (HD-49), Austin (D)
- Type=Medical/Decriminalization (technically 'decrim of medical')
- Relating to the medical use of marihuana; providing a defense to prosecution for possession of marihuana
- HB 892 / Stephanie Klick (HD-91), Fort Worth (R)
- Type=Medical
- Relating to the medical use of low-THC cannabis
- SB 339 is companion bill
- Rep. Klick is a medical business consultant
- HB 1322 / Joe Farias (HD-118), San Antonio (D)
- Type=Industrial Hemp
- Relating to industrial hemp; requiring an occupational license; authorizing fees.
- HB 2165 / David Simpson (HD-7), Longview (R)
- Type=Legalization
- Relating to repealing marihuana offenses
- HB 3785 / Marquez
- Type=Medical
- Relating to authorizing the possession, use, cultivation, distribution, transportation, and delivery of cannabis for medical purposes; authorizing fees.
- x
- Other:
- article: Marijuana Policy and Texas' 84th Legislative Session [FB post by TRMP]
- "[A] recent statement from Max Davidson, who is a representative of DFW NORML, claims that there will not be a legalization bill because no one would author it and that 'full legalization was hurting our decriminalization and medical marijuana efforts'." [article via TXCANN]
- "They’ve also hired a lobbyist to speak with legislators on the matter." [article via TXCANN]
- Meet Randal Kuykendall, a former lobbyist for the Texas Municipal Police Association. Hired by the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), Kuykendall is no stranger to the inner workings of the capitol. He will now be focusing on marijuana policy reform. [article via TXCANN]
- full Kuykendall interview [article via Austin Post]
- x
- The current state of medical, as of 12/30/2014:
- Texans for Responsible Marijuana Policy
- x
- Subject searches are:
- x
- "Later this session, a comprehensive medical marijuana bill will be introduced. It will allow patients with specific qualifying conditions to access medical marijuana upon the recommendation of their physician." -- RAMP’s political director, John Baucum
- Point Person: Q&A on the GOP and pot reform
- x
- x
- x
Federal legislation:
- S 134 (????) The Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2015 (S134)
- GREAT NEWS! Senator Cory Gardner became the 5th cosponsor of S.134 this weekend. Congratulations to all the Colorado activists who sent hundreds of letters urging his support. Please thank him, visit
- #BreakingNews! 2 New S.134 Cosponsors! Thank You Senator Steve Daines & Senator Al Franken. #votehemp
- HR 525 (Massie-KY),
- Fifth Amendment Integrity Restoration (FAIR) Act
- Fifth Amendment Integrity Restoration (FAIR) Act
- U.S. House Representative Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) and eight bipartisan Congressional cosponsors on Tuesday introduced the “Veterans Equal Access Act,” marking a concerted federal effort to allow our country’s veterans to become medical marijuana patients in states where it’s legal. [tokesignals]
- H.R.5226 - Charlotte's Web Medical Hemp Act of 2014
- 113th Congress (2013-2014)
- Bill in US Congress Would Legalize 'Charlotte’s Web' Medical Marijuana
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