Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Words, phrases, and/or concepts I occasionally forget

The ones I'm currently forgetting:
  • Beyond "having a fool for a client," why attorneys hire other attorneys instead of doing it themselves.
    Has to do with professionalism, professional ethics, and wanting to avoid even the appearance of impropriety.  Also has something to do with the offloading of some risk and liability.  It's also why you hire an architect if you're planning on building a building, or a CPA to do the books for your non-profit, even if you are a CPA yourself.
  • There's also a joking, informal legal principle that saying something in Latin is worth more than saying it in English.  Related to brocard

  • actuary / actuaries / actuarial
    I have no idea why these words occasionally slip my mind.  I use them fairly often.
  • utilitarian
    ditto this.  sometimes I just completely blank out on it.
  • x

  • Social Desirability Bias
    • One of the reasons self-reported data can be problematic
      • drugs, guns, sexual hygeine, mask-wearing, etc
      • x
  • x

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