Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Facebook Posts

Corporate personhood:

"Jerry - Legally speaking, corporations are people. Thanks to the GOP."
Kenny already [partially] alluded to it, but courts gave corps [basic] personhood in 1819... the GOP wasn't founded until 1854.

Continuing the above... there are a great many things the GOP can (and should!) be held responsible for. I just don't think this is one of them. Now, for *perpetuating* the doctrine of corporate personhood? "You Betcha!" (tm) Of course, Reps/Sens in *either* party can introduce legislation to overturn/change it. To the best of my knowledge, no one has.

‎"The ruling by the Supreme Court establishing the rights of corporations, in my opinion, was one of the poorest in my lifetime."
As discussed above, that didn't happen in your lifetime. Unless you're perhaps talking about Citizens United, which didn't /establish/ anything... "all" it did was follow 192 years worth of precedent.

This country's only been around for 235 years, so there were only 53 years of this country's existence where [some degree] of corporate personhood was not the law of the land.
[Please also note that I'm *not* a fan of the doctrine]

Same-sex marriage (SSM):

JMHO, but I think if you don't like SSM, you shouldn't try to defeat it by passing a law and getting people with guns to enforce your preference for you (cowardly)... you should:
1.) live your life as an example and try to attract more followers than the other side
2.) argue effectively against it (my preference is for logic & reason over emotion) and let your argument succeed or fail in the marketplace of ideas


Summer: I explain football to Mason strictly in terms of good guys vs bad guys. The sooners -- or the Empire -- suffered defeat at the hands of the rebel forces last night. He seems to appreciate this...

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