- Mike Vanderboegh (2008:Jul.29). "What Good Can A Handgun Do Against an Army?" Western Rifle Shooters Ass'n.
Everything else:
- Libertarian Party's position statement on gun laws
- http://home.suddenlink.net/news/read.php?id=18676542
- http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/04/us/04guns.html
- http://articles.latimes.com/2010/feb/22/local/la-me-parks-guns22-2010feb22
- http://www2.timesdispatch.com/news/2011/aug/14/tdmain01-gun-crime-drops-at-virginia-bars-and-rest-ar-1237278/
- David Codrea (2011:Aug.15). "Firearms crimes in VA bars decline after concealed carry allowed," Examiner.com
- Victoria Pagan (2011:Aug.26). "Study shows women use handguns for defense, self-empowerment," Daily Texan.
- Julie Bolcer (2011:Aug.25). "What Two Bloodied Tragedies Can Teach About Transgender Women of Color," Advocate.
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- http://chronicle.com/article/Advocacy-Group-for-Guns-on/128561/
- Joshunda Sanders (2011:Aug.20). "In defense of women and guns: Among women, the fastest-growing group of concealed handgun license owners in Texas is African American," Austin-American Statesman.
- A blogpost I commented on
http://foeda.wordpress.com/2010/02/25/we-will-never-agree-%E2%80%93-and-that%E2%80%99s-ok/ - Jake S. PERMALINK
- August 23, 2011 9:18 am
- Please Note: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
- “But even with that knowledge I cannot in good concience accept that gun ownership is OK as it violates something that is a personal value of mine — nonviolence.”
- This is the only statement which sticks out to me enough to feel the want/need to comment on.
- The mere act of gun /ownership/ doesn’t (by definition) violate the principle (or value) of nonviolence… at least not any more than owning a knife does.
- Granted, I am probably not as principled about nonviolence as you are. My own personal line in the sand is about the /initiation/ of violence… not all violence, in and of itself.
- So we differ slightly, but enough for the difference to be important… because we differ in philosophy. However, we differ not at all in action. At this point in our respective lives, I would be willing to wager that I have been just as “gun-violent” as you have (that is… not at all). Despite owning several firearms.
- (I qualify the above violence as “gun violence” for two reasons. First of all, it’s what seems to be at issue here. Second of all, I /have/ been violent twice in my life… getting into fist-fights with two different people who initiated the violence upon me, in unfortunate situations where I was unable to talk my way out of it.)
- That said, I really wanted to commend you for the “live-and-let-live” sentiment I felt throughout your post. I seem to be better friends with people who hold opposing views on this issue than I am with people who share my views. I go to lunch [usually] once a week with people who are extremely hostile to firearms ownership (and the social contract which guarantees this right). Yet we are /extremely/ tolerant of our opposing views.
- You sound like a great neighbor, Lucy… one I would be extremely proud to share a property line with. :-)
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- Speaking of debunking... it would be illegal (in contravention of federal law) for this bank to simply give a patron a firearm, unless the bank was a federally-licensed firearms dealer (FFL).
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Firearms_License
- (I have /never/ in all of my years heard of a bank which also had an FFL)
- Guns are expensive and, while the cheapest models can be had for ~$150-$200, a business would look "bad" (and potentially negligent) for using these "cheapo" guns as promotional items. If you go into a gun store, you will almost never find new guns in this price range. If you do find guns in this price range, they will almost certainly be "used" and in varying degrees of disrepair. To compare these "used guns" to a house, I would call them "fixer-uppers."
- Most guns you find in gun stores /start/ in the $400-$500 range... and these are the types of guns that businesses would offer as promotional items to insure that the promotion didn't back-fire on them.
- http://www.redstradingpost.com/pistols-c-561_565.html
- http://www.redstradingpost.com/rifles-c-577_582.html
- http://www.redstradingpost.com/shotguns-c-577_589.html
- I have only ever seen this "guns for your business" model used by automobile dealerships, and that's because people are buying $30,000 cars and trucks. It seems /highly/ unlikely to me that a bank would do this for patrons simply for opening a bank/checking account (that would need to be /some/ kind of account...). And for the record, I live in Texas.
- But let's assume it /did/ happen as the documentary alleged... the way it usually works in cases like this is the business gives the patron a coupon or voucher for a gun (almost always for a certain type of gun in the $400-$500 price range, so the patron doesn't try to buy the most-expensive gun in the store... usually in the "thousands of dollars" price range).
- The patron then takes that gun to a [federally-licensed] gun store. He/she then picks out his/her gun and fills out ATF Form 4473. The gun store will then use this form to run [at a minimum] a federal background check (NICS). Some states have stricter requirements. It is only once the federal background check (again, as a minimum) comes back OK that the patron can leave with the firearm (not applicable in states with waiting periods).
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Form_4473
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Instant_Criminal_Background_Check_System
- Further, it is a crime (federal felony) for a prohibited person to knowingly attempt to purchase a firearm. If a prohibited person attempts to purchase a firearm and the background check is denied, he/she will not be allowed to purchase the firearm (it would be a federal felony for the gun store to make the sale), and he/she will be investigated, arrested, and prosecuted (at the federal, not state, level).
- http://www.atf.gov/firearms/how-to/identify-prohibited-persons.html
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_Control_Act_of_1968#Prohibited_persons
- The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE) is charged with investigating and enforcing federal firearms law in the United States.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bureau_of_Alcohol,_Tobacco,_Firearms_and_Explosives
- If you have any more questions about the process for purchasing firearms, I would be happy to answer them.
- Also, if you can think of the name of that documentary, I would love to follow up on it and see exactly what type of gun this bank was supposedly giving away.
Virginia Tech timeline
Monday, January 30, 2006:
HB 1572, which would have legalized college students and employees carrying handguns on campus, dies in subcommittee
Monday or Tuesday, January 30 or 31, 2006:
Larry Hincker, Associate Vice President for University Relations, opens his trap:
"I'm sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly's actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus"
Thursday, August 31, 2006:
Grad student Bradford B. Wiles writes the editorial "Unarmed and vulnerable"
Tuesday, September 05, 2006:
Associate Vice President for University Relations Larry Hincker writes his rebuttal, "Imagine if students were armed"
Monday, April 16, 2007:
Virginia Tech Massacre
Virginia Tech timeline
Monday, January 30, 2006:
HB 1572, which would have legalized college students and employees carrying handguns on campus, dies in subcommittee
Monday or Tuesday, January 30 or 31, 2006:
Larry Hincker, Associate Vice President for University Relations, opens his trap:
"I'm sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly's actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus"
Thursday, August 31, 2006:
Grad student Bradford B. Wiles writes the editorial "Unarmed and vulnerable"
Tuesday, September 05, 2006:
Associate Vice President for University Relations Larry Hincker writes his rebuttal, "Imagine if students were armed"
Monday, April 16, 2007:
Virginia Tech Massacre
August 2007:
David Codrea sums all of this up in his excellent Rights Watch column, "A Very Sound Policy"
August 2007:
David Codrea sums all of this up in his excellent Rights Watch column, "A Very Sound Policy"
Further Resources:
- Associated Press (2007:Apr.16). "Timeline: Shootings at U.S. College Campuses," National Public Radio.
Update1: 2009 Beheading
Update2: 2011 Campus Lock-down
Gun Myths:
The "Only Ones" argument...
- Michael Martinez (2011:Jul.31). "Feds: AK-74 assault rifles stolen from Fort Irwin," CNN.
- Adrianna Iwasinski and Rusty Surette (2010:Aug.10). "Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics Agent Arrested for Alleged Firearms Sales to Mexican Cartels," News9 (Oklahoma).
With the destructive modern weaponry available to the professional armies of today, what difference could one person with one gun (or "the militia" or "a small resistance group") possibly make?
- David Codrea (2011:Jun.13). "Would Founders be ‘horrified’ by today’s firearms technology?" Examiner.com
- Evan V. Symon (2011:Sept.02). "5 Untrained Civilians Who Took On Armies," Cracked.
- Tony Pilgram (2010:Nov.03). "The 5 Most Epic One Man Rampages In the History Of War," Cracked.
- Tony Pilgram (2011:Aug.04). "The 6 Most Epic One Man Armies in the History of War," Cracked.
- Marc Russel (2009:Feb.04). "5 Real Life Soldiers Who Make Rambo Look Like a Pussy," Cracked.
- Tom Reimann (2008:Dec.02). "7 Historical Figures Who Were Absurdly Hard To Kill," Cracked.
- Paul K Pickett (2010:Feb.26). "6 Soldiers Who Survived Shit That Would Kill a Terminator," Cracked.
- Eric Yosomono (2010:Dec.12). "The 6 Greatest War Heroes Who Got Screwed Out of History," Cracked.
- Jacopo della Quercia (2010:Oct.08). "The 6 Most Insane Underdog Stories in the History of Battle," Cracked.
- Ben Thompson (2009:Nov.07). "The 7 Most Badass Last Stands in the History of Battle," Cracked.
- Christopher Wang (2009:Jul.16). "5 Spies with Bigger Balls Than James Bond," Cracked.
- Also, see here:
The Founding Fathers could never have imagined weapons as deadly/destructive as those available today...
- Eric Yosomono (2010:Dec.17). "7 Insanely Advanced Weapons History Somehow Forgot About," Cracked.
- David Codrea (2011:Jun.13). "Would Founders be ‘horrified’ by today’s firearms technology?" Examiner.com
- FlashBunny (). "Is the Second Amendment Outdated?" FlashBunny.org
- EAG Tactical (Pat Rogers)
- Yavapai Firearms Academy (YFA) (Louis Awerbuck)
- Quinn Training Ranch (QTR)
- Amarillo Rifle & Pistol Club (ARPC)
- Trident Concepts (Jeff Gonzales)
- Magpul Dynamics ()
- Grey Group Training ()
- March (Pat Rogers at QTR)
- Sept/Oct (Louis Awerbuck at ARPC)
The "Only Ones" Files:
- Man At Bar Ribs Cop 'Aw, You Suck At Darts,' Cop Responds 'I Can Do Whatever I Want,' Pulls Out Gun & Executes Him
- http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=37723
Wal-Mart and guns:
- Wal-Mart Adds Guns Alongside Butter
Retailing Giant Resumes Sales of Rifles, Shotguns at Half of Its Stores in Effort to Be One-Stop Shop
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703367004576289230488920802.html - Man Who Killed Wife Bought Shotgun From Wal-Mart Hours Earlier (WFTV-TV Orlando | 02/27/2008)
http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1977904/posts - 4 Detroit Police Officers Shot at Detroit Precinct::2 cops also shot at Walmart in PORT ORCHARD, Wash.
http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1335775/pg1 - Gunman identified in Wash state Walmart shootout
http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/01/23/shots-reported-fired-walmart-wash-state/ - Mother of suicide victim sues Wal-Mart
Mentally ill woman purchased shotgun, killed herself
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6744073/ns/us_news/t/mother-suicide-victim-sues-wal-mart/ - Gun News:Wal-Mart to Sell More Guns. More Powerful Tasers for Police. Pretty Little Pistols.
Holding purveyors of anti-gun junk science accountable?
Rumor Alert: The Vehicle Gun Theft “Epidemic”
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