- Geoffrey E Wood (2002). "Fifty Economic Fallacies Exposed," Institute of Economic Affairs (UK).
- Hazlitt (1946). "Economics In One Lesson," [various publishers].
- $8 on Amazon
- I recommend the updated 1976(?) edition
- Bastiat (1850). "The Law," [various publishers].
- $7 on Amazon
- $4 on Amazon
- $6 on Amazon
- $1 on Amazon (Kindle edition)
- free view (HTML)
- free download (.pdf)
Reading List
- Russ Roberts (2006:Sep.06). "Half-Empty or Half-Full, Part I," Cafe Hayek.
- Don Boudreaux (2011:Sep.11). "Questions About Imports," Cafe Hayek.
- Don Boudreaux (2011:Nov.14). "Wherein Lies Trade’s Benefits," Cafe Hayek.
- http://cafehayek.com/2012/07/mercantilist-myths-persist.html (Krugman on free trade)
Corporate Income Tax:
- Veronique de Rugy (2011:May 06). "The Facts About the Corporate Income Tax: Separating economic myths from economic truths," Reason.
- So many myths and fallacies... it warrants its own page
Percent increase in national debt:
Income Inequality, or "We're worse off than we were before":
- http://reason.com/archives/2011/11/07/the-facts-about-income-inequality
- http://www.coordinationproblem.org/2012/07/what-great-stagnation.html
- http://reason.com/blog/2012/07/11/84-percent-of-americans-are-richer-than
Wages are mostly stagnant:
The Laffer Curve, tax cuts, "paying for tax cuts," tax hikes, and federal revenue:
- http://reason.com/blog/2010/09/17/why-is-everyone-picking-on-the
- http://reason.com/blog/2010/11/29/the-remarkably-stable-amount-o
- http://reason.com/blog/2010/12/14/evil-bush-tax-rates-made-rich
- 50p tax rate 'failing to boost revenues’
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/consumertips/tax/9097219/50p-tax-rate-failing-to-boost-revenues.html - x
Whether tax "cuts" even truly exist:
- Philip Aldrick (2011:Jul.6). "Fiscal stimulus doesn't work, claims Harvard economics professor Robert Barro," The Telegraph (U.K.).
Monopoly & inflation-adjusted prices of goods:
- Don Boudreaux (2011:Jul.12). "Damn Those Innovative and Cost-Cutting Monopolists!" Cafe Hayek.
Related: "Progress: People who once paid $5 to rent one movie they could only watch in a VCR are throwing fits about paying $6 more per month to stream unlimited movies from anywhere." -- Radley Balko (via Facebook, 13 JUL 2011)
Related: Louis C.K. "Everything's Amazing & Nobody's Happy," Interview with Conan O'Brien.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8r1CZTLk-Gk - x
- x
- x
Labor is fungible:
Robber Barons:
- Sheldon Richman (2012:May 6). "The Myth of America's Laissez-Faire Past: Tariffs, trusts, corporate-state collusion and 'communism of pelf' did not equal free markets," Reason.com
- Chris Edwards (2012:Jun.01). "Corporate Welfare vs. Entrepreneurship," Cato @ Liberty. [first paragraph]
- Anthony Gregory (2012:Jul.24). "Then, Who DID Build It, Mr. President?" Huffington Post.
Railway Barons:
- http://cafehayek.com/2011/09/crony-capitalism-101.html
- Anthony Gregory (2012:Jul.24). "Then, Who DID Build It, Mr. President?" Huffington Post.
Crony Capitalism:
Economic History, other:
- http://www.cato.org/publications/white-paper/paul-krugmans-nostalgianomics-economic-policies-social-norms-income-inequality
- http://www.thefreemanonline.org/features/eugenics-progressivism%E2%80%99s-ultimate-social-engineering/
World War II (WWII) helped get (spend) us out of the Great Depression:
- http://fee.org/articles/great-myths-of-the-great-depression/
- http://www.mackinac.org/4013
- http://www.mackinac.org/1665
- http://www.thefreemanonline.org/columns/tgif/depression-war-and-recovery/
Is Social Security a Ponzi Scheme?
- http://cafehayek.com/2011/09/is-social-security-a-ponzi-scheme.html
- http://marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2011/09/is-social-security-a-ponzi-scheme.html
- http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=13625
- http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=6512
- "There is no 20 year period in American history when stocks lost money."
- http://cafehayek.com/2011/09/further-thoughts-on-whether-or-not-social-security-is-ponzi-scheme.html
- http://divisionoflabour.com/archives/2011_09.php#007796
- http://gregmankiw.blogspot.com/2011/09/paul-samuelson-on-social-security.html
- http://www.thefreemanonline.org/columns/tgif/ponzi-unmasked/
- http://economics.about.com/b/2011/09/01/on-rick-perry-social-security-and-ponzi-schemes.htm
- http://mungowitzend.blogspot.com/2011/09/fixing-social-security-opposite-day.html
- http://reason.com/blog/2011/09/07/mr-perry-social-security-is-no
- http://reason.com/archives/2011/08/30/bachmanns-unholy-crusade
- http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=13627
- http://www.cato-at-liberty.org/one-simple-reason-and-two-easy-steps-to-show-why-obama’s-soak-the-rich-tax-hikes-won’t-work/
- Actually, the wealthy are taxed more, but...
http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/46313519/ns/business-personal_finance/ - http://reason.com/blog/2012/07/11/84-percent-of-americans-are-richer-than
- http://reason.com/archives/2012/07/11/the-real-class-warfare-baby-boomers-vs-y
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