Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Latest round of "commonsense" gun control, 2011 edition

The 2008 election was rife with rumor, speculation, and fact about Candidate Obama's gun control bona fides.

His record spoke for itself:

And his rhetoric spoke even louder:


He even got passes from those supposed to be watching the store.

But then, something strange happened... President Obama didn't go after our guns.

Even to the point where some gun-rights advocates were starting to believe that, regardless of whatever sweeping anti-gun comments Candidate Obama had made, for President Obama "gun control ranks somewhere below free trade with Uzbekistan."

Perhaps he had listened to the lesson that President Clinton had for Democratic politicians, and learned from it:

Essentially, that gun control is a losing issue, and if Democrats care about acquiring power (and especially about maintaining that power once acquired), they will abandon the issue.

"The fight for the assault weapons ban cost 20 members their seats in Congress." -- Bill Clinton, 1995 interview with the Cleveland Plain-Dealer

After the Tucson tragedy, there were renewed calls from the least "commonsense" of the anti-gun fringe...

[link to my tucson page]

Apparently, however, gun owners were lulled into a false sense of complacency. It wouldn't be the first time.

[AZ Daily Star comments]

[Chad Baus article]

The next day, a different opinion:

[Ken Hanson article]

But now it's official.

Sam Stein (2011:Mar.17). "Joe Biden's Office Joins Gun Policy Discussions," Huffington Post.


Jeff Winkler (2011:Mar.23). "New gun-control legislation would prohibit those arrested but not convicted of drug crimes," Daily Caller.
Brian Doherty (2011:Mar.23). "New Schumer Gun Possession Bill: Let's Get Tough on Even Those Not Convicted of Drug Crimes," Reason.




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