I have had several requests to address where I stand on the border issue (everyone should already know where I stand on the War on [Some] Drugs). I have already elaborated on immigration issues, at length, in several places, so this Note will (at least initially) represent my opportunity to "bring it all together."
I consider this video debate a starting point:
- Andrew Napolitano (2010:May 4). "Jack Hunter and Don Boudreaux: 'Paleocons' vs. 'Libertarians' [on] Immigration," Freedom Watch, no.110. Fox News. [alt link]
The remainder of my reading list here, in reverse chronological order:
- Michael C. Moynihan (2010:October). "Safe Border Cities: Placid in El Paso," Reason.
- Nick Gillespie (2010:Jul.1). "Here's a Radical Comprehensive Immigration Plan: Increase the Numbers Who Can Come Legally," Reason.
- Warren Meyer (2010:Jul.1). "The Conservative Case For Immigration: Immigration laws make for the worst possible intervention into free labor markets," Forbes.
- Michael C. Moynihan (2010:Jun.03). "Our Peaceful Borders," Reason.
- Radley Balko (2009:Jul.6). "The El Paso Miracle: How can a comparatively poor, high-immigration town that sits across the border from super-violent Ciudad Juarez be one of the safest big cities in America?" Reason.
- Sheldon Richman (2001,2002). "The Drug War and Terrorism," The Future of Freedom Foundation.
- Donald J. Boudreaux (2008:Dec.18). "The Nation Is Not A House," Immigration Law Weekly. [link from Cafe Hayek]
Originally published as:
Donald J. Boudreaux (September 2007). "The Nation Is Not A House," The Freeman, v.57:no.7, Foundation for Economic Education (FEE).
Having previously fought conservatives who employ the "lifeboat analogy," I appreciated seeing this, as the two are nearly identical.
- Russ Roberts (2010:Oct.04). "Caplan on immigration," Cafe Hayek. [contains link to EconTalk podcast]
- Don Boudreaux (2010:Aug.14). "They Come Here to Acquire Wealth?? Horrors!" Cafe Hayek.
- Don Boudreaux (2010:Jul.16). "Remember Chapter 1 of A. Smith and Chapter 7 of D. Ricardo," Cafe Hayek.
- book recommendation: Philippe Legrain (2007). "Immigrants: Your Country Needs Them," Princeton University Press.
- Don Boudreaux (2010:May 03). "Milton Friedman, the Welfare State, and Immigration," Cafe Hayek.
- Don Boudreaux (2010:May 12). "Milton Friedman, the Welfare State, and Immigration," Cafe Hayek. [follow-up to above]
- Shikha Dalmia (2006:May 01). "Illegal Immigrants are Paying a Lot More Taxes Than You Think: Eight million illegals pay Social Security, Medicare, and income taxes," Reason Foundation.
- Steve Chapman (2010:Apr.22). "How Immigration Crackdowns Backfire: The trouble with Arizona's draconian new law," Reason.
- Don Boudreaux (2010:Apr.30). "Keeping Immigrants Out (of Jobs)," Cafe Hayek.
- Steve Landsburg (2010:Apr.30). "Missing the Big Picture," The Big Questions.
- Shikha Dalmia (2011:Mar.15). "The Bogus Case Against Birthright Citizenship: Anti-immigration hysteria has blinded conservatives to their own principles," Reason.
- http://reason.com/archives/2011/07/12/immigrants-dont-need-a-friend
- http://reason.com/archives/2011/08/30/bachmanns-unholy-crusade
- http://reason.com/blog/2011/08/30/latino-voters-bid-adios-to-the
- http://news.yahoo.com/why-republicans-doing-face-tough-alabama-immigration-law-164300253.html
- http://reason.com/blog/2011/11/10/reason-writers-around-town-shikha-dalmia
- http://www.thedaily.com/page/2011/11/10/111011-opinions-column-alabama-immigration-dalmia-1-3/
- Are GOP Immigration Hardliners Out-Of-Sync With Their Constituents?
http://reason.com/blog/2012/01/31/are-gop-hardliners-on-illegal-immigratio - http://cafehayek.com/2012/06/quotation-of-the-day-329.html
Drug War:
- John Stossel (2011:Mar.17). "End the Drug War, Save Black America: Why drug legalization is a civil rights issue," Reason.
- http://www.cato-at-liberty.org/stop-the-madness-president-calderon/
- http://www.fpif.org/reports/drug_trafficking_and_money_laundering
- http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/Vicen
- http://www.theblaze.com/stories/report-hezbollah-operatives-running-vast-drug-ring-with-mexican-cartels/
- http://www.theblaze.com/stories/report-federal-predator-drones-have-been-used-on-u-s-citizens/
- http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2012/01/30/145992588/could-a-club-drug-offer-almost-immediate-relief-from-depression
- http://www.foxnews.com/health/2012/02/03/siblings-brain-scans-may-hold-key-to-addictions/
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